Friday, September 26, 2008

Banana Bread Porn

I finally made an enemy in Montreal. He thinks pamphlets are sculptures. My teacher agrees and thinks they are sculptures. My blood has been boiling all day. I had to leave class and have a cigarette during his critique so I didn't strangle him. 

Also, I definitely just bench pressed in the back of a club like 20 minutes ago...
And I definitely ate banana bread out of a stranger's hand yesterday.
Life is good.

Conversation with mom:

Me: Hi mom, we watched porn in my class today.
Mom: Was it on youporn?
Me: NO, but how the fuck do you know about youporn?
Mom: There's a better site called xxx"blahblahblah"
Me: MOM. 

This morning I find on my screen:

vacuumhands: DIANE
vacuumhands: I'M LOCKED IN MY ROOM
towststutters: ahhh!
vacuumhands: HELP ME
vacuumhands: SERIOUSLY
towststutters: well sure.
towststutters: ill be right there

I'm so smart.

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