Sunday, September 28, 2008

Formaldehyde Duck Dogs

I never in my life thought I would have a dream about Celine Dion. But I guess I moved to Montreal. I had the BEST dream last night.

First Lindsay Lohan was pregnant with two golden retrievers. She gave birth and kept them in a flower pot and named one of them "Later." Then I was at an art show where my mom and Celine Dion were showing. Celine Dion had a duck on a plinth. I accidentally kicked it and it came alive and started pecking people. The security guard thought that if he clicked his tongue the duck would stop pecking people and then I laughed at him. My mom's piece was a Cocker Spaniel in formaldehyde. It was really creepy because the dog was still alive and sniffing in the formaldehyde but it was decaying at the same time. Then Celine Dion was giving lectures about the brain at school. I don't remember the rest, but that's all I need to know. 

Friday, September 26, 2008

Banana Bread Porn

I finally made an enemy in Montreal. He thinks pamphlets are sculptures. My teacher agrees and thinks they are sculptures. My blood has been boiling all day. I had to leave class and have a cigarette during his critique so I didn't strangle him. 

Also, I definitely just bench pressed in the back of a club like 20 minutes ago...
And I definitely ate banana bread out of a stranger's hand yesterday.
Life is good.

Conversation with mom:

Me: Hi mom, we watched porn in my class today.
Mom: Was it on youporn?
Me: NO, but how the fuck do you know about youporn?
Mom: There's a better site called xxx"blahblahblah"
Me: MOM. 

This morning I find on my screen:

vacuumhands: DIANE
vacuumhands: I'M LOCKED IN MY ROOM
towststutters: ahhh!
vacuumhands: HELP ME
vacuumhands: SERIOUSLY
towststutters: well sure.
towststutters: ill be right there

I'm so smart.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Howling Ashtray-Face

I met the funniest girl last weekend. I was trying to tell her a funny story that I guess had a "punch line" but it took me like 10 minutes to get to the good part because every 3 words I said she would burst out laughing in a laugh I'd NEVER heard before. She would throw her head back and howl at the moon in staccato REALLY loudly (like so loudly that the party of probably 60 people all turned around). I don't think she was listening to me at all. But instead of it really annoying me as it probably should have, it just made me really interested as to what the hell was going on. 

Later I was dancing with Emily and howling girl showed up again with three friends in white coats (?) and they started dancing IN SYNCH-with choreography and everything. So basically...I need to know. 

Also it occurred to me this morning that most people probably don't wake up with their face practically in an ashtray, a power drill next to their feet, and their hand in a half eaten plate of spaghetti. I need a boy. 

Also also, I watched a documentary on Ed Gein last night. If you don't know who he is, look him up. He made fucking necklaces out of dead people's nipples and all of his furniture was upholstered in human skin. The whole time I kind of felt bad for him though. I think I have a soft spot for weird reclusive farmers. He was sort of a psychopathic artist murderer. The best kind.  

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hamburger Prostitute

Old men, all of the world, think Im a prostitute. I don't dress prostitutey at all. I guess I give off that prostitute air. I used to be really naive about it. Like when I was in LA I was at the party store with my mom putting stuff (a Hillary Clinton lifesize cut-out for my sister's 16th birthday) in the trunk, and this old Mexican guy drives up. I think he's asking for directions but then he yells at me "TIEMPO?" and points at me and then his passenger's seat. So I'm like what? And I still think he's asking me for directions to "TIEMPO", so I walk over to my mom to tell her to help him and then he drives away. I'm like "Mom, where is Tiempo?" and she's just like "That guy thought you were a prostitute." (Also all my extremities were covered and I was wearing a baggy dress).

So that happened a few times in LA and I sort of became weary of it. Now it happens ALL the time in Montreal. Always on the street I live on. I don't even live in a particularly prostitute addled area. 

Anyway I started thinking about this because I just woke up (extremely hungover) and went to walk to McDonalds and the whole time I was walking there I actually felt like a prostitute. I was wearing this floral print skirt as a strapless dress with no bra and my titties all hanging out, a really ugly jacket I bought at the salvation army (with those bat sleeves from the 80's), and this bag that I found outside of the salvation army that was TOTALLY a dead prostitute's bag. As I walked by the police station I was convinced someone was gonna stop me and be like R U SELLING UR BODY? Then I got to McDonalds and felt even more like a prostitute. Just cause I was at McDonalds. 

ALSO, people order really weird stuff at Mcdonalds. Like two coffees and a fry, or an apple pie and a hot chocolate. Who goes to McDonalds to get that stuff? I WANT A HAMBURGAH. 

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Exploding Murderer

Every time I'm in a lecture class I feel like I'm just going to explode. Piss and shit and burp and have a heart attack right in the middle of my teacher's sentence. And that would be it. I don't know why. I guess it's the silence of 200 people that makes me think I'm gonna fart all over myself.

Also, I keep having dreams that I kill people. But the actual killing isn't important. The whole focus of the dreams is my fear of being caught and trying to figure out what to do with the body. It's seriously the WORST feeling. I've had these dreams at least once a week for the past six weeks. Am I a murderer? But seriously, don't you think you just gotta burn the body? WHY AM I A MURDERER?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Normal Time

I can't walk out of my apartment and have a "normal time." I don't leave my apartment as often as I would like, but every time I do it is such an event. Take today for example. I woke up early (dressed as a lesbian librarian I realized later) and went to the library to read. After reading for probably about 15 minutes, the strangest alarm sounded. It sounded like someone pounding on a single key of a keyboard. Then we heard a speaker turn on and some mumbling. Then, "The emergency alarm has sounded. We are trying to figure out the cause." I looked around and all the librarians were putting on neon orange armbands that said "EVACUATION." So I went downstairs and the librarians were directing us, and screaming "Go out the emergency exits!" while making these stewardess type arms gestures. It was kind of like the Titanic. Also, it made me wonder if librarians have to sign a contract knowing that they are risking their lives being librarians. (I never found out what happened).

So I walked down the block to one of the busiest intersections in Montreal, where there are at least 30 Concordia students on every corner. Of course today happens to be the windiest day ever and of course this is the first time I haven't worn tights in a month. Of course my skirt flies over my head and at least 60 people see my ass. I haven't even been awake for an hour. 

Then I went to a cafe to read. I sat outside and this older man sat across from me. He stared at me, looked me up and down and tried to read over my shoulder. (I'm reading a book called Sex Matters). Then my mind started wandering to this older man, lesbian librarian University student porno, so I went inside. 

There I thought I had sat next to some quiet guy reading a newspaper. But of course not. Two other guys join him and it is apparently an interview for the first guy to become part of their small video game company. A really embarrassing one. I plug my ears and try to block them out but then they pull out a computer and start showing him their projects. These really stupid Anime characters (these guys are white Quebecors) and weird domestic scenes. Then they start talking about Pokemon and then I just realize that God doesn't want me to read. OK, God. 

This also reminds me of a similar two minute span of time a couple days ago. I hadn't left my house in at least 20 hours and went outside just to see what the weather was like. The second I walked out the door a giant white fluffball dog was blowing in the wind and heading straight towards my ankles and this tiny Polish woman shrieks and pulls it away. Then a lady asks me where the metro is (in French) and I respond to her (in French) and then I go to the dep to buy a large bottle of water and I end up following my landlord in where he is buying EXACTLY the same thing and buys it for me. Oh Santa landlord. These are all very minor things I guess, but I think everything is magnified 6000 fold in my mind. 


Now I'm watching a commercial for Maple Leaf Farms where the head guy is saying "Please don't be scared of our meat!" So good. So Canadian.

I also just called my mom to tell her about my boy troubles and she goes "HOLD ON. Let me get my shadow cards and tell you what to do." So she hangs up on me. Then calls me back and goes "IT'S A SKELETON IN A PURPLE ROBE." Oh.

Also the cat has lipstick on its mouth. 
And there's still a dried up pickle next to my bed.