Sunday, March 1, 2009

Studly Fleiss Parrot

I went to Toronto for a week and on the train ride back I watched the BEST documentary on youtube. Internet on the train? It was about Heidi Fleiss trying to make a man brothel or a "Stud Farm." She is so one of those Hollywood people who say they're gonna do something really big and exciting but are actually just eating macaroni and cheese in a truck. She can't string one sentence together and all in all is terrifying BUUUT  she made friends with her neighbor- a 90 year old ex-madame who lived with 2390482 exotic birds. Heidi fell in love with a parrot named Dalton. The old lady died and left all her birds to Heidi, so now she lived in Nevada with 23908230 birds like a zombie. The whole time I was wondering if it was actually an episode of Intervention.

 Heidi Fleiss' dad was my pediatrician. 
Also, that sweater. ~*Pandering*~

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