Friday, March 13, 2009

Pathetic Soulmate

Could I be any more pathetic right now? My roommates are gone again. They all have boyfriends so I'm never invited. I have to get all fancy tonight and go to see the Orchestre Symphonique de Montreal by myself. At least I get to wear my Alexander McQueen dress. I lost the TV remote like a week ago so my TV is stuck on Much Music (the WORST Canadian channel probably aimed at 14 year old girls in 1996). I've seen the finale of America's Best Dance Crew 4 times. I've been playing Boggle against the computer all day. On top of all this I had to create a blog about Frank Zappa for one of my classes which makes me feel exponentially more pathetic. I'm not linking it. 

The weirdest thing happened to me a couple days ago. I was walking to school and this guy walked past me. He was tall and French and scruffy. It was like, out of a movie. All of the sudden I had tunnel vision and felt like I was connected to him with a string. I stopped walking and just stared and had the weirdest feeling rush over me. OK, I see hot guys all the time that I drool over, but this was just weird. I THINK HE WAS MY SOULMATE? Oh soulmate, I've lost you forever. 

On another note, I've pretty much decided that the depths of Hell are filled with Tyra Banks audience members. And you are the teen that wants to get pregnant.

1 comment:

Ashwin said...

Oh well, that's part of life sometimes. I like classical music too but I know that going to see OSM alone is a bit..err weird? Anyway, hope you are feeling better.