Monday, February 15, 2010

Point Doom Prostitute Square Dance

I sometimes forget how much I love California.
Today I picked up some beautiful babes in my car and we drove to Point Doom- a mystical cove. Driving there was heaven: sitar music thousand foot cliffs and planes drawing valentine's day penises in the sky.
All the windows down bouncing heads with wild hair in my rear view mirror.
We somehow actually found Point Doom which was crawling with Giant Coreopsis. Climbing barefoot over the rock cove, lying on the black rocks. Laughing the whole time.
All I want to do these days is take day trips.
Driving back on the PCH, biker couples blasting hair metal from their motorcycle speakers.

The rest of this weekend was crazy. Standing on Hollywood Blvd dressing Natalie as a prostitute, filming a scene for Ruby's movie in front of Playmates. Lying on the front lawn of an abandoned mansion. Running around Highland Park at 10 PM buying really unnecessary ashtrays and bracelets and fake pants. Square dancing mermaid party. Satan masks.

My mom just came into my room and rubbed magnesium on my arm and now it's on FUCKING FIRE. What's going onnnnn

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Think About It

Today has been just like Nina Simone eating beef jerky in the snow.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Loving Messy Life

I'm starting this thing up again. I don't know why I had some fit of hysteria in September 2009 about this blog. It's fine. And I really need somewhere to write.

Sometimes, well most of the time, I really love my life.

I like being woken up by a beautiful gay mulatto boy (who I don't know) getting in bed with me and talking about how much he loves Chanel.

I even liked going to the DMV this morning and listening to people have conversations on their iPhones, and seeing people get mad even though they just got there, and wondering why there is a group of 20 Mexican men lined up on the wall behind the chairs because they don't want to use the chairs?

I like the mess in my room. There is cigarette ash and fern leaves and mud balls on the floor. My guitar is leaning. My plants are dying. My lights are orange. The bird cage is on the floor. My sheets are wrinkled. I'm greasy and warm. My heater is set to 75. It looks really scary outside. I'm burning sage and listening to sad songs.

UPDATE: I take it all back I just had a panic attack in the shower.